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Our stars have aligned

You're likely here because you need a copywriter. Even if you don't know where to begin, great news! You've found one. But, why this particular neon-haired wordsmith, you ask? I take your story and convey its benefit to your audience through strategy and detail. Whether it’s a quick, dynamic banner ad that needs to make an impact with only a few words, or an email with a personal story that aims to hit ‘em right in the feels, my writing delivers action. 


I’ve been a freelance writer for 8 years, originally in the editorial journalism and content space,

and then transitioned into copywriting.


Additionally, I worked in the hospitality industry for almost 20 years – from management as an event coordinator, marketing manager, beverage director, and freelance beverage consultant,

to working on the floor as a bartender and server, I’ve seen the inner workings of an industry that knows how to problem-solve. 


As a hospitality professional, I’ve been a specialist in facilitating joyful moments for people for decades. Just as a bartender makes you feel special when they know your drink, as a copywriter,

I use that same skill set to understand what an audience is experiencing and find them on a deeper level to solve that problem. As a journalist and content writer, I’ve written stories that foster both raw emotion and buckling laughter. That’s what I can do for you: use my skills, empathy, and experience to make your life easier, reach people, and do it well. I’ll ask all the right questions to get to know you & your brand, and hit your goals every time. 


As a queer person and fierce advocate for all, I know how to write from an inclusive perspective that embraces all walks of life. When I’m not writing, I enjoy spending time with my partner, Jamie, our 3 dogs and our incredible community of friends, advocacy work, gardening, weightlifting, and traveling.


I believe that Black Lives Matter, Trans people belong, science is real, and abortion is healthcare. 

"Kelsey and I both wrote columns for the local alt-weekly and she's also written exceptional pieces for my publication, TAUNT. She meets her deadlines, handles her subject matter with compassion, intelligence and curiosity. Part of working with someone is the caliber of the work they do, but the other part is are they enjoyable to work with? And with Kelsey you get hi-caliber work from someone with a positive, motivated demeanor."

- Minda Honey, Publisher, TAUNT

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